This is the file .che that controls the behavior of CHE_EVO. The file consists of several sections, which can appear in any order and begins with a line consisting only in one of the following keywords. - MAIN: section devoted to main parameters defining the model - IMF: section where the IMF is specified. When CHE_EVO is used coupled with GRASIL, there must be correspondence between this IMF and that for which the SSPs libraries are computed (but for small changes of the lower mass limit). - ANALY: section where the parameters defining the analytical component of SFR are given. Used only if i_sfr_t<>0 in section MAIN. section MAIN is 'free form': the parameters can appear in any order, each one on a different line of the file. The line contains the name of the parameter in the first ten columns, its value from column 11 to column 20, and the rest of the line is left for comments. In addition, each line starting with %, # or a blank space is ignored, and can be used for longer comments. The other sections are instead fixed form and their structure (order of lines, order of parameters in line, number of comment lines, etc..) can't be changed. MAIN # This section is quite free form: parameters may appear in any order, # lines begining with #, % or blank space are for comments, otherwise # from column 1 to 10 an identifier of the parameter (case sensitive) # from 11 to 20 its value (always real with explicit decimal point) # from 21 on comments. #2345678901234567890123456789 # t_fin 12.1 final galactic age i_sfr_m 1.0 0->nothing, 1->simple Schmidt, 2->Talbot & Arnett # set i_sfr_m = 0 to switch off the Schmidt type term of the SF # (i.e. to leave only analytical function of t) i_sfr_t 1.0 0->nothing, 1->constant, 2->exponential # set i_sfr_t =0 to switch off the analytical term of the SF # (i.e. to leave only the function of Mgas) t_win 100.0 age at which any sf is stopped (see olso the note on t_inf) f_win 1.8e-3 after t_win the feed-back rate is multiplied by f_win k_sch 1.0 exponent of schmidt law nu_sch 2.0 efficiency of schmidt law tau_inf 0.1 exponential infall timescale m_inf 1.e11 infall mass at t_inf # # NOTE CAREFULLY: t_inf is reset internally to min(t_inf,t_win) !! t_inf 1.0 see m_inf int_flag 1.0 if 1.0 interpolates fbr internally to timesteps # leave int_flag=1.0 m_up 8.0 minimum mass for SNII (used for SNR, not ejecta) # IMF # Parameters for IMF. 1 0.15 120.0 1.35 The integer in the first row of this section is the number of pieces n_imf of the adopted power law IMF, the second row gives the boundaries of the pieces, and must containg n_imf+1 real numbers. The third row has n_imf real numbers, which are the exponents (in mass) of the IMF in each piece. For instance, for a Salpeter IMF, n_imf=1, the second row has two numbers the lower and upper limits of IMF (say 0.15 and 120.0, like in the SSP files), and the third has the exponent 1.35 # # ANALY # Parameters for SF dependent on t: t1_sfr_t, t2_sfr_t, fra_sfr_t, tau_sfr_t 12.95 13.0 0.0117 0.05 Meaning of the numbers in the above line: t1_sfr_t: age at which analytical sft(t) onset t2_sfr_t: age at which analytical sfr(t) is stopped fra_sfr_t: mass converted to stars by analytical sfr(t) between the above ages in units of m_inf given in section MAIN tau_sfr_t: timescale for exponential sft(t) (used only fro i_sfr_m=1)