Meaning of files:
name.che = input file for che_evo code;
name.sf = star formation history file (output of che_evo and input for
name.bst = input file for grasil for a bulge+disk case;
name.par = input parameter file for grasil;
name.number = SED file (grasil output);
name.out = summary of some quantities of the model (grasil output).
m82.che , m82.sf ,
m82.par , m82.0 , m82.out
ARP220: arp220.che , arp220.sf , arp220.par , arp220.0
NGC6090: n6090.che , n6090.sf , n6090.par , n6090.0 , n6090.out
M51: m51.che , m51.sf , m51.par , m51.20 , m51.out
M100: m100.che , m100.sf , m100.par , m100.30 , m100.out
NGC6946: n6946.che , n6946.sf , n6946.par , n6946.34 , n6946.out
hr10.che , hr10.sf ,
hr10.par , hr10.0 ,