Speaker: Paolo Creminelli (ICTP)

Title: The collapse of dark energy
Date: Wednesday, February 10th, 2010
Time: 12:00
Venue: Villa Bazzoni

Abstract: I will present a study of a generic single-field dark energy model. One finds no general pathology associated to an equation of state w < -1. Stability requires that the w < -1 side of dark energy behaves, on cosmological scales, as a fluid with virtually zero speed of sound: clustering quintessence. Focussing on this particular scenario, I will study the spherical collapse model. The spherical overdensity behaves as a separate closed FLRW universe, so that its evolution can be studied exactly. One can thus derive the critical overdensity for collapse and use the Press-Shechter theory to study how the clustering of quintessence affects the mass function. A novel feature is that quintessence contributes to the mass of virialiazed object at low redhsift.
contact: Matteo Viel (OATS)