Speaker: Carlotta Gruppioni (INAF/Oss. Astr. Bologna)

Title: Galaxy and AGN Evolution in the MIR: a combined Spitzer and X-ray view

Date: Wednesday, October 18th, 2006
Time: 15:00 (3:00 PM)
Venue: Villa Bazzoni

A proper analysis of the evolution of sources emitting in the Mid-Infrared is strongly dependent on their broad-band spectral properties (SEDs) at different redshifts and luminosities and on a reliable classification allowing to disentangle AGN from star-formation activity. The diagnostic diagrams based on the optical line ratios are often ambiguous and/or misleading not allowing a proper separation of the galaxy/AGN populations. Thanks to the combination of deep X-ray and Spitzer a much better census of the hidden AGN activity and dust-obscured star-forming galaxies can be obtained. We show how to take advantage of the new X-ray and Spitzer survey data to constrain galaxy and AGN evolution, revising the results of previous phenomenological models.