Speaker: Valeria Manna (INAF / OATS)

Title: Astronomical data analysis workflow on a service-oriented Grid architecture using Business Process Execution Language

Date: Wednesday, June 21st, 2006
Time: 12:00 noon
Venue: Villa Bazzoni

Many international Grid projects have been launched recently in order to face the enormous amount of astronomical data which is pro- duced and/or will be produced in the next years by the new genera- tion of large telescopes and CCD mosaic detectors. Grid is the effective and natural solution for the CCD mosaic data processing but due to complex composition of astronomical applications a Grid workow management system is required in order to simplify the description of nested tasks execution, monitoring and data handling. The recently released Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS) speci cation is positioned to become the standard for Web services composition. It allows you to create com- plex processes by creating and wiring together different activities that can, for example, perform Web services invocations, manipulate data, throw faults, or terminate a process. The evolution towards a service-oriented architecture, supported by emerging standard, is an activity that has many attention. This issue is being tackled within the EU-funded EGEE project (Enabling Grids for E-science in Europe) whose primary goals are the provision of robust middleware components and the creation of reliable and dependable Grid infrastructure to support e-Science applications, using an archi- tecture that offers a Web Service interface. We present a proposal for the execution of astronomical data analysis workflow on a service-oriented Grid architecture using the new standard language BPEL4WS.