Speaker: Raffaella Margutti (INAF/Oss. Astr. Brera)
Title: X-ray flare properties in Gamma Ray Bursts: constraining the
nature of the central engine
Date: Wednesday, September 29th, 2010
Time: 14:45
Venue: Villa Bazzoni
Gamma-Ray Bursts X-ray flares possibly mark the late time activity of a
newly-born hyper-accreting black hole: the GRB central engine. I report on
the analysis of the widest sample of X-ray flares to date, highlighting
the partial theoretical understanding of the flare emission. I discuss
the flare-prompt pulse connection showing a set of observational
properties that bridge the gap between the two phenomena, with particular
emphasis on the existence of an X-ray flares lag-luminosity relation.
Finally, I discuss the theoretical implications on the hyperaccreting
process from the average flare luminosity curve.
contact: Stefano Cristiani (OATS)