Christian Marinoni (Centre de Physique Théorique, Marseille, F)
Testing gravity and cosmological models at z=1
Date: Wednesday, April 8th, 2009
Time: 12:00
Venue: Villa Bazzoni
The growth history of galaxy fluctuations is a fundamental
observable which helps in hunting for evidences of new physics
potentially crucial for understanding the present-day accelerated
expansion of the universe.
I'll present the VVDS measurements of the scaling with
redshift of the growth factor, variance and skewness of the galaxy density
field in the range 0 < z < 1.5. I'll compare our measurements to theoretical
predictions of first- and second-order perturbation theory.
I'll also show preliminary results on constraining cosmological
parameters using the rotational kinematics of high redshift galaxies
and the abundance of clusters detected in deep redshift surveys.
contact: Pierluigi Monaco (OATS)