Francesco Marzari
(Università di Padova)
Dynamics of Extrasolar Planets
Date: Wednesday, April 4th, 2007
Time: 12:00
Venue: Villa Bazzoni
Abstract: More than a hundred extrasolar planets have been
uncovered so far around close stars. This new population of planetes
have new striking dynamical features not observed in our solar system.
The existence of a large subset of extrasolar gaseous planets orbiting
very close to their parent star (hot Jupiters) has suggested the
possibility that they migrated large distances inwards from their
formation sites where the mass density was high enough to allow
runaway accretion of planetesimals and gas infall. I will discuss the
origin and implications of the migration mechanisms proposed so
far. The eccentricity distribution of exoplanets is also unusual being
peaked towards eccentricity significantly larger compared to those of
our solar system. I will present some dynamical mechanism that can
lead to eccentric orbits including Kozai resonances and gravitational
scattering of multiplanet systems.