Speaker: Marcella Massardi (INAF - IRA)
Title: Early Science with ALMA: capabilities and proposal preparation
Date: Wednesday, May 11th, 2011
Time: 15:00
Venue: Villa Bazzoni
The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is a major new
facility for world astronomy. When completed in 2013, ALMA will consist of
an array of 50 12-m antennas, with baselines up to 16 km, and an
additional compact array of twelve 7-m and four 12-m antennas which
greatly enhances ALMA's ability to image extended targets. ALMA is
outfitted with receivers that cover atmospheric windows in the frequency
range 84-950 GHz (3mm - 300 micron). In this talk we present the capabilities
available for the Early Science phase for which the proposal submission
deadline is June 30th 2011. We also demonstrate the tools needed to plan
and submit a proposal, illustrate the ALMA organization structure, and
explain how the observer can obtain support at any stage from proposal
preparation to data reduction.
Contact: Marco Fulle (INAF - OAT)