Speaker: Giuseppe Murante (INAF-OAT)
Title: Numerical galaxy formation with subgrid recipes
Date: Wednesday, November 28th, 2012
Time: 11:30
Venue: Villa Bazzoni
I will shortly describe the current status of numerical galaxy formation, with particular attention to the available subgrid prescription of star formation and feedback. I will then present the Trieste prescription, called MUPPI (MUlti-Phase Particle Integrator), which we implemented in the TreePM+SPH code GADGET3. Our prescription is based on integrating on-the-fly, for each gas particles, a system of differential equations describing the multi-phase properties of the InterStellar Medium. We obtain effective thermal ad kinetic feedback; I will show how this description is able to significantly improve, at a given, and not extreme, resolution, the description of formation and evolution of disk galaxies.
I will then quickly sketch my other research lines.
Contact: Giuseppe Murante (INAF-OAT)