Nick Schneider
(University of Colorado, Boulder)
Jupiter's Magnetosphere: A Volcano-Powered Nebula
Date: Friday,
May 11th, 2007
Time: 12:00
Venue: Villa Bazzoni
Abstract: The presence of extreme volcanic activity on
Jupiter's moon Io has profound consequences on the entire jovian
system. One of the most fascinating is the creation of a torus of
heavy-ion plasma encircling Jupiter. This plasma torus is analogous to
many astrophysical nebulae, but its study by telescope and spacecraft
offers some cautionary lessons on interpretation. I will describe the
origin of this plasma as well as its impact, both literal and
figurative, on Jupiter and its other satellites. I will end by
comparing Io with Saturn's moon Enceladus, recently discovered by the
Cassini spacecraft to undergo equally remarkable activity.