PHOX | X-Ray Photon Simulator

Veronica Biffi - veronica.biffi @

is a virtual X-ray observatory designed to generate synthetic X-ray observations from hydro-numerical simulations. The simulator has a modular design composed by three independent units.

Unit 1

The first unit is the most general, in which the emission associated to the X-ray emitting component (e.g. the ICM gas) in the hydrodynamical simulation is calculated, based on a theoretical emission model. To each emitting element it is then associated a package of ideal photons, generated via a Monte-Carlo sampling of the spectral distribution.
This first unit has to be executed independently from the others, just once per simulation output.

Unit 2

The second unit of the code takes into account the geometry of the forseen observation, the observing time and the total ideal collecting area of the instrument to be used. The projection along a given line of sight is applied and photon energies are corrected for the Doppler Shift due to the l.o.s. velocity component of the parent emitting element.

Unit 3

In the third unit, the detailed instrument properties are taken into account. Here the convolution with the instrument response matrices is done.
This unit can be conveniently replaced by any desired X-ray instrument simulator, like XISSIM for the Suzaku X-ray Imaging Spectrometer, MARX for Chandra, or SIXTE, designed to obtain mock observations for eROSITA, ATHENA or XMM-Newton.

Mock image of a Magneticum cluster.
ICM X-ray emission. The spectral model assumed accounts for thermal (temperature, density) and chemical (total metallicity or single chemical abundances) properties of the emitting gas, which are computed in state-of-the-art hydro-simulations. Gas velocities are naturally included and contribute to the non-thermal broadening of X-ray emission lines.

X-ray emission from AGNs. Unit 1 has also been modified to account for X-ray emission from AGN sources associated to BH elements in the simulation.
Biffi et al. 2018 (MNRAS 481, 2213)

X-ray emission from XRBs. An additional emission module has been implemented into Unit 1 to model X-ray emission from high-mass and low-mass X-ray binaries (XRBs) associted to stellar elements in the simulations.
Vladutescu-Zopp, Biffi, Dolag 2022 (A&A, 669, A34)
Authors: This software package has been developed by Veronica Biffi in collaboration with Stephan Vladutescu-Zopp, Klaus Dolag, Hans Boehringer and Gerard Lemson.

Credits: the main reference papers describing the code are
Biffi et al. 2012 (MNRAS, 420, 3545) and Biffi et al. 2013 (MNRAS, 428, 1395).
For a detailed description of the AGN emission modelling please refer to
Biffi et al. 2018 (MNRAS, 481, 2213)
and for the modelling of emission from XRBs
Vladutescu-Zopp, S., Biffi, V., Dolag, K., 2022 (A&A, 669, A34).
Code distribution: The source code of the original PHOX implementation (Biffi et al. 2012) is available on request. If you would like to use it, please contact directly Veronica Biffi by email.

PHOX is embedded in the Cosmological Web Portal, where it can be used to extract synthetic X-ray observations for several X-ray instruments (e.g. eRosita, Athena, Chandra, XMM-Newton) from the Magneticum Pathfinder cosmological hydrodynamical simulations.
PHOX related publications