PINOCCHIO is a fast code to generate catalogues of
cosmological dark matter halos with known mass, position, velocity and
merger history.
It is able to reproduce, with very good accuracy, the hierarchical
formation of dark matter halos from a realization of an initial
(linear) density perturbation field, given on a 3D grid.
Its setup is similar to that of a conventional N-body simulation,
but it is based on the powerful Lagrangian Perturbation Theory. It
runs in just a small fraction of the computing time taken by an
equivalent N-body simulation, producing promptly the merging histories
of all halos in the catalog.
PINOCCHIO is distributed under a
gnu-gpl v2 license.
The code is available on github.
Stable version: v5.1.
Papers (to be updated):
The PINOCCHIO algorithm: pinpointing orbit-crossing collapsed hierarchical
objects in a linear density field, Pierluigi Monaco, Tom Theuns &
Giuliano Taffoni, 2002,
MNRAS, 331, 587
- Predicting the Number,
Spatial Distribution and Merging History of Dark Matter Haloes,
Pierluigi Monaco, Tom Theuns, Giuliano Taffoni,
Fabio Governato, Tom Quinn & Joachim Stadel, 2002, ApJ, 564, 8
and the Hierarchical Build-Up of Dark-Matter Haloes,
Giuliano Taffoni, Pierluigi Monaco & Tom Theuns, 2002,
MNRAS, 333, 623
- An accurate tool
for the fast generation of dark matter halo catalogs,
Pierluigi Monaco, Emiliano Sefusatti, Stefano Borgani, Martin Crocce,
Pablo Fosalba, Ravi Sheth & Tom Theuns, 2013, MNRAS, 433, 2389
Improving the prediction of dark matter halo clustering with higher orders
of Lagrangian Perturbation Theory,
E. Munari, P. Monaco, E. Sefusatti, E. Castorina, F.G. Mohammad, S. Anselmi
& S. Borgani, 2017, MNRAS, 465, 4658
Simulating cosmologies beyond LambdaCDM with Pinocchio, L.A.
Rizzo, F. Villaescusa-Navarro, P. Monaco, E. Munari, S. Borgani,
E. Castorina & E. Sefusatti, 2017, JCAP, 01 008
Fast numerical method to generate halo catalogues in modified gravity (part
I): second-order Lagrangian perturbation theory, C. Moretti, S. Mozzon, P.
Monaco, E. Munari, M. Baldi, M. 2020, MNRAS, 493, 1153
Euclid Preparation. Simulating thousands of Euclid spectroscopic skies, Euclid
Consortium: P. Monaco, G. Parimbelli, Y. Elkhashab et al., in preparation.
Review papers:
- The cosmological mass function, P.Monaco, 1998,
Fundamentals of Cosmic Physics, 19, 157.
- Approximate
methods for the generation of dark matter halo catalogs in
the age of precision cosmology, P.Monaco, 2016,
Galaxies, N. 4, 53, special issue: "Dark Matter: Large versus Small
Scale Structures", ed. J. Gaite & A. Diaferio.
(Link to the journal)