I am a staff researcher at the Trieste
Observatory of the Italian National Institute for
Astrophysics, INAF and
affiliated member of the Institute for Fundamental
Physics of the Universe and of the AstroParticle
Physics group at SISSA.
Previously, I was a researcher at the Observatory of Brera and a postdoc at the HECAP group at ICTP in Trieste, at the Institute de Physique Théorique of CEA/Saclay and the Fermilab Center for Particle Astrophysics.
Research interests
My activity is at the interface between theoretical and observational cosmology, with a focus on the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe. I have been working on the statistical properties of the galaxy distribution as a tool to investigate the initial conditions of the Universe, the current accelerate expansion and the nature of the dark energy that might drive it and the cosmological effects of neutrino mass.
I am involved with the Euclid
space mission as member of the Galaxy Clustering Science
Working Group.